Saturday, April 28, 2007

week 2 - day one

Dinner - Monday, originally uploaded by a journalism student.

I made oatmeal in the morning, though it was admittedly lumpy. I learnt, afterwards, that the trick is to boil the water first and then through in the oatmeal and let it cook.

The extra money put us into a splurging sort of mood, so we spent $12.00 on sandwiches for lunch...on whole wheat bread, of course.

Dinner was waldorf salad and fresh pasta tossed in oil, basil and garlic. Extra money buys you dessert too - we savored some Scharfeen Berger milk chocolate.

Total Cooking Time: 30 Minutes


Fresh pasta (from Berkeley Bowl)
Fresh Basil

Cook pasta in water and then lighlty sautee in pan
with oil, garlic and basil.

Waldorf Salad
Gorgonzola Cheese
Granny Smith Apples

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